Reconciliation Manager

The reconciliation manager is responsible for reconciling metering data with actual usage provided by the Grid and Network Owners, ensuring that all volume is distributed accurately amongst those trading within specific areas.

  • The reconciliation web portal contains further explanatory information including file names and formats, documents and a system user guide. For participant access to the reconciliation portal, please contact the reconciliation manager.
  • The reconciliation manager maintains all valid Network Supply Points (NSPs) and uses as reference information to grid connection points in the reconciliation process. Download the Network Supply Points table.
  • Participants are required to submit their initial volumes for the previous consumption month by 1600 on business day 4 under clause 15.4(1), and their revised wash-up volumes for the previous consumption period (Revision 1), as well as revision data for 3, 7, and 14 for the previous consumption months by 1600 on business day 13 under clause 15.4(2).
  • The reconciliation manager publishes volume information on business day 7 and by last business day. The customised data sets may be available upon request, please send the completed NZX energy data order form to the reconciliation manager. For any other query, please contact us at