In this section are answers to some of the more common questions that NZX and NZ RegCo team are asked.
Questions have been arranged into two categories: Issuers and Market Participants.
If you have a question that is not addressed below, please email us at: (for Issuer queries) or (for Participant queries).
How do I apply to list on one of NZX's markets?
Please contact the Issuer Regulation team on or +64 4 495 2825 for information on the listing process and the timeframes for listing.
How will I know if there have been changes to Listing Rules or Guidance Notes?
All changes to NZX Listing Rules are notified to NZX listed issuers and are detailed on All consultation documents, and current and archived rule sets are available on under Regulation.
Who do I contact if I have a query about the NZX Listing Rules?
Please contact the Issuer Regulation team on +64 4 495 2825 or
Who do I contact if I have a query about continuous disclosure or periodic disclosure obligations?
Please contact the Issuer Regulation team on or +64 4 495 2825.
How do I get a hard copy of the Listing Rules?
All listed issuers can access printable, downloadable versions of all NZX listing rules and appendices via i-search. Please contact your Relationship Manager or the Issuer Relationships team at
If you are not a listed issuer and would like a hard copy of any NZX Listing Rules, please contact the NZX Data team on or +64 4 471 4390.
How do I apply for a waiver, ruling or approval of a document under the NZX Listing Rules?
Applications should be sent to the Issuer Regulation team at If you would like to discuss a proposed application, please contact the Issuer Regulation team on or +64 4 495 2825.
How do I apply for a trading halt?
All trading halt applications should be sent to the Issuer Regulation team at Applications should include the information set out in the Practice Note - Trading Halt Applications.
Where can I find information about NZ RegCo's fees for reviewing an application under the NZX Listing Rules?
Please see NZX's Listed Issuer Fee Schedule available here.
What are the Issuer Regulation team's timeframes for reviewing applications under the NZX Listing Rules?
The Issuer Regulation team has a standard review period of 10 Business Days for applications (other than listing applications) under the NZX Listing Rules. The 10 Business Day period does not commence until NZ RegCo has received all relevant documents and information. Issuers are encouraged to engage with the Issuer Regulation team as early as possible on proposed applications. Issuers may apply to NZ RegCo for an application to be considered at urgency. Information must be provided to support an application for urgency. Urgency will only be granted where there are good reasons to do so, for example where events have arisen that are outside the issuer's control or the lack of an urgent decision will have a significant impact on security holders, the issuer's commercial interests or the market generally. NZ RegCo has discretion as to whether to accept an application for urgent review. The urgency rates set out in the Listed Issuer Fee Schedule (available here) will apply if urgency is granted.
Who do I contact if I have a question about an announcement I am about to release or have released to market?
Please contact the Product Operations team on, +64 4 496 2853.
How do I access the NZX Market Announcement Platform ("MAP")?
Listed issuers, please go to To Add or Delete Issuer accounts please refer to the MAP user guide or contact your Relationship Manager.
How do I subscribe to receive NZX Issuer Updates, or to add additional recipients?
Please contact your Relationship Manager or the Issuer Relationships team at
Current and historic versions of NZX Issuer Updates are available at
Where can I access NZX templates and forms?
Templates and forms are available at
How do I obtain share price information, such as details on an issuer's volume weighted average price (VWAP)?
Please contact the NZX Data team on or +64 4 471 4390.
Who do I contact about the information on my company's page on
Please contact your Relationship Manager or email
How do I apply to be accredited as a market participant, or get further details about firm and individual accreditation?
Please contact the Participant Compliance team on or +64 4 498 2279 for information on the accreditation and application process and the timeframes for accreditation.
Who do I contact if I have a query about the NZX Participant Rules or NZX Derivatives Market Rules?
Please contact the Participant Compliance team on +64 4 498 2279 or
How do I apply for a waiver or ruling under the NZX Participant Rules or the NZX Derivatives Market Rules?
Applications should be sent to the Participant Compliance team at If you would like to discuss a proposed application, please contact the Participant Compliance team on or +64 4 498 2279.
How will I know if there have been changes to the NZX Participant Rules or the NZX Derivatives Market Rules?
All changes to NZX Participant Rules and NZX Derivatives Market Rules are notified to relevant market participants and are detailed on All consultation documents, and current and archived rule sets are available on under Regulation.
What are the Participant Compliance team's timeframes for reviewing applications under the NZX Participant Rules or NZX Derivatives Market Rules?
The Participant Compliance team has a standard review period of 10 Business Days for applications (other than applications for accreditation) under the NZX Participant Rules or NZX Derivatives Market Rules. The 10 Business Day period does not commence until NZ RegCo has received all relevant documents and information. Participants are encouraged to engage with the Participant Compliance team as early as possible on proposed applications. Issuers may apply to NZ RegCo for an application to be considered at urgency. Information must be provided to support an application for urgency. Urgency will only be granted where there are good reasons to do so, for example where events have arisen that are outside the Participant's control or the lack of an urgent decision will have a significant impact on the Participant's ability to comply wioth Good Broking Practice, the Participant's commercial interests or the market generally. NZ RegCo has discretion as to whether to accept an application for urgent review. The urgency rates set out in the Participant and Vendor Fee Schedule available here.
Where can I find information about NZX Regulation's fees for reviewing an application under the NZX Participant Rules or the NZX Derivatives Market Rules?
Please see NZX's Participant and Vendor Fee Schedule available at here.
Who do I contact if I have a query that is not specified on this list?
If your query relates to an issuer or listing rules for an issuer, please contact our Issuer Regulation team at, or +64 4 495 2825. If your query relates to a participant, NZX Participant Rules or the NZX Derivatives Market Rules, please contact the Participant Compliance team, on or +64 4 498 2279.