Listing Fees

Fees associated with listing

The cost of listing varies with the amount of capital raised and the methodology. Most of the cost goes towards professional advisors, such as accountants, lawyers, marketing and public relations consultants, the sponsor and/or broker for the listing. Much of the cost would only be incurred towards the back end of the process, when there is certainty of success. Thus, costs can largely be paid out of the fundraising proceeds.

There are four types of fees:

  • Initial fees: required for initial admission;
  • Subsequent fees: payable for the quotation of additional securities;
  • Annual fees: payable annually in July for the prospective 12 months to 30 June;
  • Other fees: payable for other matters including administrative, review and approval services.

The following calculator is for the NZX fees only, which are detailed in the NZX Issuer Fee Schedule.

NZX Listing Fee Calculator
Choose a Listing Type
Choose a Fee Calculation
Number of Securities
Value per Security
Overseas Listed Issuer
Total Value$1,000.00
Listing Fees$38,012.00

Please note in addition to these fees, NZ RegCo charges on a time/cost basis for considering the listing application. Information about the rates charged by NZ RegCo can be found in section 6.3 of the Issuer Fee Schedule.