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Butter Milk Powder (BMP)

Trading Event 371 will begin at 01:00 hours UTC/GMT on Wednesday, 8 Jan 2025, NZDT

Forecast Information - Fonterra NZ BMP

Forecast Offer Quantities (MT)
Trading EventTE 371TE 372TE 373TE 374ForecastChange on Previous Forecast
Date8 Jan 25, NZDT22 Jan 25, NZDT5 Feb 25, NZDT19 Feb 25, NZDT
Fonterra12 Month
Contract 15005006800
Contract 2205020502,5590
Contract 3175017501,8610
Contract 47507509550
Contract 57507509150
Contract 6000000

Monthly Quantities - Fonterra Butter Milk Powder (BMP)

Source: FonterraNote: Fonterra has ceased to provide forecast shipment quantities as part of its forecast information