Corporate Social Responsibility

NZX as market operator and front line regulator

NZX plays a critical role in supporting the development of New Zealand's capital markets. The equity and debt markets which NZX operates provide access to capital that support the growth and expansion of New Zealand businesses.

As a licensed market operator, NZX is required to regulate the conduct of issuers and participants on its markets. In order to be an effective regulator, NZX pro-actively addresses market trends, changes in technology and law, and developments in international best practice.

NZX is also responsible for developing and enhancing the market rules, practices and policies under which NZX's markets operate. In recent years, NZX has progressed a number of important policy initiatives, including a comprehensive review of its corporate governance best practice code which was launched in 2017. This piece of work is designed to simplify the markets structure and rule set to reduce complexity for investors. This is the first holistic review of the exchange's rules in 15 years and changes will be finalised before November. Further information in relation to NZX's policy initiatives can be found here.

NZX also contributes to important public policy discussions and consultation processes. This reflects NZX's leadership role in New Zealand's capital markets.

NZX in the community

Fundraising initiatives

Shares for Good

Shares for Good, is a collaboration between NZX, JBWere, Computershare and Link Market Services that allows investors to donate small parcels of shares to a designated charity, which can often cause more of an administrative burden than benefit to investors. All partners waive the fees associated with donations to ensure the viability of the programme. The Graeme Dingle Foundation is the current Shares for Good recipient.

Financial literacy initiatives

NZX launched a retail investor education website called with the Commission for Financial Capability (CFFC) in 2015. This partnership continued with additional video content added to the website on an ongoing basis.

Volunteer work

NZX offices continued to hold community volunteer days. Employees completed a range of work including volunteering at the Auckland City Mission, the Motutapu Restoration Trust and the Mary Potter Hospice.


First Foundation

The First Foundation partners with corporates to provide tertiary fee assistance and part-time work for academically talented New Zealanders who are unable to meet the costs associated with university education. NZX sponsored two students in 2016.


NZX acknowledges that increased gender diversity at Board and senior management level is associated with better financial performance. Under NZX Listing Rule 10.4.5 (j) a Main Board issuer is required to provide a quantitative breakdown in its annual report as to the gender composition of the issuer's Directors and Officers, as at the issuer's balance date, and include comparative figures for the prior balance date of the issuer. NZX publishes this data quarterly and it can be accessed at:

NZX's Diversity Policy can be located at:

NZX diversity commitment

Diversity statistics

As a listed issuer, NZX is required to report its own quantitative breakdown of the gender composition of its Directors and Officers. NZX figures as at 31 December 2023 can be found on page 7 of its Annual Report.

Diversity and Inclusion Committee

NZX established this committee in 2016 and its objective is to provide a link between the Board and employees to establish and implement improved diversity and inclusion initiatives across the organisation.

Member of Diversity Works

NZX is a member of Diversity Works NZ, which assists employers to implement strategies to encourage diversity in the workplace, including the recruitment and development of people on the basis of unbiased merit.

Health and Safety

NZX is committed to providing all employees with a safe and healthy workplace.

NZX Health & Safety Committee

This committee meets every six weeks and agenda items include discussing employee well-being, identifying common workplace hazards, and ensuring emergency protocols and systems are current and readily accessible.