
NZX’s board is committed to maintaining the highest standards of governance by implementing a framework of structures, practices and processes that it considers reflect best practice. NZX’s corporate governance policies and procedures, and its board and committee charters, document the framework and have been approved by the board.

The framework has been guided by the recommendations set out in the NZX Corporate Governance Code 2020 and the requirements set out in the NZX Main Board Listing Rules.


Management of NZX on a day-to-day basis is undertaken by the Chief Executive Officer and senior managers through a set of delegated authorities that clearly define the Chief Executive Officer’s and senior managers’ responsibilities and those retained by the board.

The board meets its responsibilities by receiving reports and plans from management and through its annual work programme. The board uses committees to address issues that require detailed consideration. Committee-work is undertaken by directors (and, in the case of the Conflicts Committee and Regulatory Governance Committee, non-director members who have specialist knowledge and experience), however, the board retains ultimate responsibility for the functions of its committees and determines their responsibilities.

The board comprises seven directors with diverse backgrounds, skills, knowledge, experience and perspectives. All directors are non-executive and independent.

The current directors of the board are John McMahon (Chairman), Lindsay Wright, Dame Paula Rebstock, Frank Aldridge, Elaine Campbell, Peter Jessup and Rachel Walsh. Further information about NZX's directors is available here.

In addition to this, NZX is a participation in the Future Directors Programme, an initiative designed to help identify and grow the next generation of New Zealand directors. The NZX Board has appointed Sarah Miller as Future Director, effective 1 January 2023. In this capacity, she attends Board meetings, contributing to discussions in an observer capacity. Future Directors do not have voting rights and are not involved in any decision-making.

At each annual meeting, one-third of the current directors retire by rotation and are eligible for reelection. Any directors appointed since the previous annual meeting must also retire and are eligible for election.

Download a copy of the Board Charter

Download a copy of NZX Limited's current constitution (as at 5 April 2019)