Title | Date | Type | Flag |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice | 20/12/2024, 14:59 NZDT20/12, 14:59 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice | 20/12/2024, 10:08 NZDT20/12, 10:08 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - FirstCape Group Limited | 17/12/2024, 16:52 NZDT17/12, 16:52 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - Milford Asset Management Limited | 13/12/2024, 08:39 NZDT13/12, 08:39 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Spark announces sale of remaining shares in Connexa | 12/12/2024, 08:30 NZDT12/12, 08:30 | GENERAL | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
S&P ASX200 Rebalance | 9/12/2024, 08:30 NZDT9/12, 08:30 | GENERAL | — |
Spark announces appointment of HRCC Chair | 4/12/2024, 11:00 NZDT4/12, 11:00 | ADMIN | — |
Spark Finance extends SLL and establishes new Facility | 28/11/2024, 16:37 NZDT28/11, 16:37 | GENERAL | — |
SPH Notice - BlackRock, Inc. and related bodies corporate | 27/11/2024, 12:36 NZDT27/11, 12:36 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - Milford Asset Management Limited | 27/11/2024, 08:42 NZDT27/11, 08:42 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Spark announces appointment of Chief Financial Officer | 26/11/2024, 08:30 NZDT26/11, 08:30 | ADMIN | — |
Change of Registered Office | 22/11/2024, 08:38 NZDT22/11, 08:38 | ADMIN | — |
Spark New Zealand Limited's Annual Meeting Results 2024 | 1/11/2024, 14:43 NZDT1/11, 14:43 | MEETING | — |
Spark's 2024 Annual Meeting Materials | 1/11/2024, 09:45 NZDT1/11, 09:45 | MEETING | — |
Spark reduces FY25 guidance | 30/10/2024, 08:30 NZDT30/10, 08:30 | MKTUPDTE | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice | 4/10/2024, 11:44 NZDT4/10, 11:44 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Capital Change Notice | 4/10/2024, 10:39 NZDT4/10, 10:39 | SECISSUE | — |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice | 3/10/2024, 16:53 NZDT3/10, 16:53 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
2024 Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy form | 3/10/2024, 08:30 NZDT3/10, 08:30 | MEETING | — |
Spark New Zealand announces a change to the Spark Board | 1/10/2024, 08:30 NZDT1/10, 08:30 | ADMIN | — |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice | 30/09/2024, 15:59 NZDT30/9, 15:59 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Capital Change Notice | 30/09/2024, 12:10 NZDT30/9, 12:10 | SECISSUE | — |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice | 26/09/2024, 12:25 NZST26/9, 12:25 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Spark announces departure of Finance Director | 26/09/2024, 08:30 NZST26/9, 08:30 | ADMIN | — |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice | 25/09/2024, 15:11 NZST25/9, 15:11 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing Disclosure Notices - Various | 25/09/2024, 13:52 NZST25/9, 13:52 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing Disclosure Notices - various | 25/09/2024, 10:12 NZST25/9, 10:12 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice | 24/09/2024, 15:59 NZST24/9, 15:59 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing Disclosure Notices - Various | 24/09/2024, 14:02 NZST24/9, 14:02 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Capital Change Notice | 23/09/2024, 13:00 NZST23/9, 13:00 | SECISSUE | — |
DRP Share Price and updated ASX Appendix 3A.1 Form | 19/09/2024, 13:24 NZST19/9, 13:24 | GENERAL | — |
Spark New Zealand announces a change to the Spark Board | 30/08/2024, 12:59 NZST30/8, 12:59 | ADMIN | — |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice | 30/08/2024, 09:08 NZST30/8, 09:08 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice | 27/08/2024, 16:02 NZST27/8, 16:02 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice | 27/08/2024, 16:00 NZST27/8, 16:00 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Spark New Zealand FY24 Results - ASX Appendix 3A.1 | 23/08/2024, 09:37 NZST23/8, 09:37 | GENERAL | — |
Spark New Zealand Limited FY24 Results | 23/08/2024, 08:30 NZST23/8, 08:30 | FLLYR | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Notification of Closing Date for Director Nominations | 16/08/2024, 08:30 NZST16/8, 08:30 | GENERAL | — |
Spark New Zealand FY24 Results Announcement Date | 26/07/2024, 08:30 NZST26/7, 08:30 | GENERAL | — |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice | 1/07/2024, 10:43 NZST1/7, 10:43 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Spark Finance establishes new committed bank facility | 30/05/2024, 16:14 NZST30/5, 16:14 | GENERAL | — |
Spark reduces FY24 EBITDAI guidance | 6/05/2024, 08:30 NZST6/5, 08:30 | MKTUPDTE | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Spark New Zealand appoints new director to the Spark Board | 3/05/2024, 08:30 NZST3/5, 08:30 | ADMIN | — |
Spark Finance extends standby facility | 29/04/2024, 08:30 NZST29/4, 08:30 | GENERAL | — |
Spark announces departure of Product Director | 18/04/2024, 08:30 NZST18/4, 08:30 | ADMIN | — |
Spark NZ announces on-market share buyback to continue | 28/03/2024, 08:30 NZDT28/3, 08:30 | ADMIN | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Updated ASX Appendix 3A.1 Form | 26/03/2024, 14:38 NZDT26/3, 14:38 | GENERAL | — |
Final Term Sheet for retail bond offer | 7/03/2024, 14:19 NZDT7/3, 14:19 | OFFER | — |
Spark Finance sets interest rates for offer | 7/03/2024, 13:08 NZDT7/3, 13:08 | OFFER | — |
Books closed for retail bond offer | 7/03/2024, 12:27 NZDT7/3, 12:27 | OFFER | — |
Spark Finance launches retail bond offer | 5/03/2024, 08:34 NZDT5/3, 08:34 | OFFER | — |
Cleansing Notice | 5/03/2024, 08:30 NZDT5/3, 08:30 | OFFER | — |
Investor presentation for intended retail bond offer | 4/03/2024, 08:31 NZDT4/3, 08:31 | OFFER | — |
Spark Finance considers retail bond offer | 29/02/2024, 08:43 NZDT29/2, 08:43 | OFFER | — |
Spark New Zealand H1 FY24 Results – ASX Appendix 3A.1 | 28/02/2024, 09:37 NZDT28/2, 09:37 | GENERAL | — |
Spark New Zealand Limited H1 FY24 Results | 28/02/2024, 08:30 NZDT28/2, 08:30 | HALFYR | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Spark New Zealand H1 FY24 Results Announcement Date | 31/01/2024, 09:24 NZDT31/1, 09:24 | GENERAL | — |