Title | Date | Type | Flag |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice - Multiple | 20/12/2024, 13:52 NZDT20/12, 13:52 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice - Dean Hamilton | 16/12/2024, 15:46 NZDT16/12, 15:46 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ryman Healthcare 1H25 half year report | 13/12/2024, 13:16 NZDT13/12, 13:16 | GENERAL | — |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice - Scott Pritchard | 11/12/2024, 14:21 NZDT11/12, 14:21 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - Cooper Investors Pty Limited | 5/12/2024, 08:37 NZDT5/12, 08:37 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ryman Healthcare 1H25 results webcast | 28/11/2024, 12:19 NZDT28/11, 12:19 | GENERAL | — |
Ryman Healthcare reports 1H25 results | 28/11/2024, 08:30 NZDT28/11, 08:30 | HALFYR | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited | 13/11/2024, 17:19 NZDT13/11, 17:19 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Disclosure Notice - Scott Pritchard | 5/11/2024, 16:17 NZDT5/11, 16:17 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - FirstCape Group Limited | 4/11/2024, 16:52 NZDT4/11, 16:52 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - Cooper Investors Pty Limited | 1/11/2024, 15:16 NZDT1/11, 15:16 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - FirstCape Group Limited | 24/10/2024, 16:38 NZDT24/10, 16:38 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ryman Healthcare appoints new independent director | 23/10/2024, 08:30 NZDT23/10, 08:30 | ADMIN | — |
SPH Notice - FirstCape Group Limited | 22/10/2024, 16:36 NZDT22/10, 16:36 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ryman Healthcare issue of performance share rights | 23/09/2024, 08:30 NZST23/9, 08:30 | SECISSUE | — |
Ryman Healthcare FY25 first half results and webcast detail | 23/09/2024, 08:30 NZST23/9, 08:30 | GENERAL | — |
Ryman Healthcare appoints new CEO | 16/09/2024, 08:30 NZST16/9, 08:30 | ADMIN | — |
Ryman Healthcare debt facilities update | 10/09/2024, 08:51 NZST10/9, 08:51 | GENERAL | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
SPH Notice - FirstCape Group Limited | 9/09/2024, 16:11 NZST9/9, 16:11 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ryman Healthcare business improvement programme update | 2/09/2024, 08:30 NZST2/9, 08:30 | GENERAL | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Ryman Healthcare 2024 Annual Meeting Webcast and Transcript | 2/08/2024, 08:51 NZST2/8, 08:51 | MEETING | — |
Ryman Healthcare 2024 Annual Meeting Resolutions | 1/08/2024, 15:56 NZST1/8, 15:56 | MEETING | — |
Ryman Healthcare 2024 ASM Executive Chair Address | 1/08/2024, 09:59 NZST1/8, 09:59 | MEETING | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice - Kathryn Munnings | 30/07/2024, 10:59 NZST30/7, 10:59 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice - David Bennett | 24/07/2024, 16:28 NZST24/7, 16:28 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice - David Bennett | 24/07/2024, 16:24 NZST24/7, 16:24 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - FirstCape Group Limited | 22/07/2024, 17:25 NZST22/7, 17:25 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited | 22/07/2024, 16:58 NZST22/7, 16:58 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ryman Healthcare Limited Notice of Meeting 2024 | 2/07/2024, 09:44 NZST2/7, 09:44 | MEETING | — |
Ryman recommends appointment of PwC as External Auditor | 27/06/2024, 16:16 NZST27/6, 16:16 | AUDITORS | — |
SPH Notice - FirstCape Group Limited | 20/06/2024, 17:17 NZST20/6, 17:17 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ryman Healthcare Limited - Annual Report 2024 | 19/06/2024, 08:35 NZST19/6, 08:35 | ANNREP | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
SPH Notice - FirstCape Group Limited | 13/06/2024, 08:47 NZST13/6, 08:47 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing Disclosure Notices - Multiple | 11/06/2024, 14:58 NZST11/6, 14:58 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice - Anthony Leighs | 10/06/2024, 09:15 NZST10/6, 09:15 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited | 6/06/2024, 09:56 NZST6/6, 09:56 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice - Geoffrey Cumming | 5/06/2024, 10:17 NZST5/6, 10:17 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice – David Pitman | 4/06/2024, 12:23 NZST4/6, 12:23 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - ACATIS Investment KVG mbH | 4/06/2024, 08:53 NZST4/6, 08:53 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited | 4/06/2024, 08:47 NZST4/6, 08:47 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ryman Director Nominations | 29/05/2024, 10:36 NZST29/5, 10:36 | MEETING | — |
Ryman Healthcare FY24 full year result webcast | 27/05/2024, 13:54 NZST27/5, 13:54 | GENERAL | — |
Ryman reports FY24 full-year result | 27/05/2024, 08:30 NZST27/5, 08:30 | FLLYR | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Group CEO Update | 22/04/2024, 08:30 NZST22/4, 08:30 | ADMIN | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Ryman Healthcare Limited FY24 Results Announcement Date | 9/04/2024, 08:30 NZST9/4, 08:30 | GENERAL | — |
New governance appointments at Ryman Healthcare | 21/03/2024, 09:53 NZDT21/3, 09:53 | ADMIN | — |
SPH Notice – ACATIS Investment KVG mbH | 27/02/2024, 08:51 NZDT27/2, 08:51 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Updated underlying profit guidance | 19/02/2024, 08:30 NZDT19/2, 08:30 | MKTUPDTE | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
DSM Ongoing Disclosure – Cheyne Chalmers | 1/02/2024, 08:39 NZDT1/2, 08:39 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |