Title | Date | Type | Flag |
Ongoing disclosure notice – Kevin Kenrick | 20/12/2024, 14:00 NZDT20/12, 14:00 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing disclosure notice - various - DRP | 20/12/2024, 09:00 NZDT20/12, 09:00 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing disclosure notice – MJ Daly | 20/12/2024, 09:00 NZDT20/12, 09:00 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing disclosure notice - Peter Alexander | 20/12/2024, 09:00 NZDT20/12, 09:00 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Capital change notice (DRP) | 20/12/2024, 08:30 NZDT20/12, 08:30 | SECISSUE | — |
Allotment of securities - KPG070 | 19/12/2024, 10:47 NZDT19/12, 10:47 | SECISSUE | — |
Dividend reinvestment plan strike price set at $0.8885 | 12/12/2024, 11:03 NZDT12/12, 11:03 | GENERAL | — |
Quotation Notice - Kiwi Property Group Limited (“KPG070”) | 5/12/2024, 17:06 NZDT5/12, 17:06 | OFFER | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Kiwi Property confirms Green Bond offer interest rate | 5/12/2024, 13:18 NZDT5/12, 13:18 | OFFER | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Kiwi Property Green Bond offer closed | 5/12/2024, 12:08 NZDT5/12, 12:08 | OFFER | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Kiwi Property launches Green Bond offer | 2/12/2024, 08:31 NZDT2/12, 08:31 | OFFER | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Cleansing notice - fixed-rate senior secured Green Bonds | 2/12/2024, 08:30 NZDT2/12, 08:30 | OFFER | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Kiwi Property Group Limited (“KPG030”) – Maturity | 29/11/2024, 09:00 NZDT29/11, 09:00 | MEMO | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Kiwi Property shows resilience in tough economic conditions | 25/11/2024, 08:30 NZDT25/11, 08:30 | HALFYR | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Kiwi Property considers Green Bond offer | 25/11/2024, 08:30 NZDT25/11, 08:30 | OFFER | — |
Kiwi Property FY25 interim results announcement date | 1/11/2024, 10:29 NZDT1/11, 10:29 | GENERAL | — |
Capital change notice - share rights plan | 1/10/2024, 09:08 NZDT1/10, 09:08 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Capital change notice - share rights plan | 1/10/2024, 09:06 NZDT1/10, 09:06 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - Milford Asset Management Limited | 25/09/2024, 12:11 NZST25/9, 12:11 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing disclosure notice - Peter Alexander | 20/09/2024, 16:58 NZST20/9, 16:58 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing disclosure notice – MJ Daly | 20/09/2024, 16:56 NZST20/9, 16:56 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing disclosure notice - various - DRP | 20/09/2024, 16:47 NZST20/9, 16:47 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Capital change notice (DRP) | 20/09/2024, 16:03 NZST20/9, 16:03 | SECISSUE | — |
Dividend reinvestment plan strike price set at $0.9283 | 12/09/2024, 13:57 NZST12/9, 13:57 | GENERAL | — |
Kiwi Property FY25 first quarter dividend payment | 23/08/2024, 16:10 NZST23/8, 16:10 | CORPACT | — |
Kiwi Property terminates conditional Vero Centre sale | 2/08/2024, 09:13 NZST2/8, 09:13 | GENERAL | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Ongoing disclosure notice - multiple | 3/07/2024, 15:54 NZST3/7, 15:54 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Results of Kiwi Property Annual Meeting 2024 | 27/06/2024, 16:44 NZST27/6, 16:44 | MEETING | — |
Kiwi Property Annual Meeting 2024 presentation and address | 27/06/2024, 13:30 NZST27/6, 13:30 | MEETING | — |
Ongoing disclosure notice - Kevin Kenrick | 25/06/2024, 14:12 NZST25/6, 14:12 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Ongoing disclosure notice – multiple | 21/06/2024, 11:19 NZST21/6, 11:19 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Capital change notice - share rights plan | 21/06/2024, 11:15 NZST21/6, 11:15 | SECISSUE | — |
2024 Climate-related Disclosures | 20/06/2024, 11:28 NZST20/6, 11:28 | GENERAL | — |
Ongoing Disclosure Notice - multiple | 4/06/2024, 17:28 NZST4/6, 17:28 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Capital change notices – share rights plan | 4/06/2024, 17:20 NZST4/6, 17:20 | SECISSUE | — |
Capital change notices - share rights plan | 4/06/2024, 17:10 NZST4/6, 17:10 | SECISSUE | — |
Kiwi Property Distribution Notice 2024 (Amended) | 30/05/2024, 17:07 NZST30/5, 17:07 | CORPACT | — |
Kiwi Property Notice of Meeting | 28/05/2024, 16:51 NZST28/5, 16:51 | MEETING | — |
Kevin Kenrick joins Kiwi Property Board | 28/05/2024, 10:13 NZST28/5, 10:13 | GENERAL | — |
Kiwi Property Distribution Notice 2024 (Correction) | 27/05/2024, 09:34 NZST27/5, 09:34 | CORPACT | — |
Kiwi Property delivers solid FY24 results despite headwinds | 27/05/2024, 08:30 NZST27/5, 08:30 | FLLYR | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Changes to the Kiwi Property Board | 23/05/2024, 08:50 NZST23/5, 08:50 | GENERAL | — |
Kiwi Property agrees terms for conditional Vero Centre sale | 16/05/2024, 08:45 NZST16/5, 08:45 | GENERAL | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Kiwi Property FY24 annual results announcement date | 8/05/2024, 10:22 NZST8/5, 10:22 | GENERAL | — |
Management update – GM Development | 1/05/2024, 09:42 NZST1/5, 09:42 | GENERAL | — |
Annual meeting date, closing date for director nominations | 16/04/2024, 12:08 NZST16/4, 12:08 | MEETING | — |
Kiwi Property valuations hold firm despite headwinds | 4/04/2024, 09:56 NZDT4/4, 09:56 | GENERAL | — |
Kiwi Property Resido tour presentation | 12/03/2024, 15:19 NZDT12/3, 15:19 | GENERAL | — |
Kiwi Property FY24 third quarter dividend payment | 8/03/2024, 11:35 NZDT8/3, 11:35 | GENERAL | — |
Vero Centre sale update | 28/02/2024, 15:46 NZDT28/2, 15:46 | GENERAL | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Kiwi Property leases 12% of Resido to Urban Rest | 28/02/2024, 10:12 NZDT28/2, 10:12 | GENERAL | — |
Kiwi Property holds steady in late 2023 sales data | 14/02/2024, 10:30 NZDT14/2, 10:30 | GENERAL | — |
Management update – GM Digital | 8/02/2024, 08:45 NZDT8/2, 08:45 | GENERAL | — |
SPH Notice – Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) | 24/01/2024, 13:54 NZDT24/1, 13:54 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |