Title | Date | Type | Flag |
Disclosure of relevant interests | 13/12/2024, 10:38 NZDT13/12, 10:38 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Capital Change Notice | 10/12/2024, 09:44 NZDT10/12, 09:44 | SECISSUE | — |
SPH Notice - FirstCape Group Limited | 6/12/2024, 17:01 NZDT6/12, 17:01 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Disclosure of relevant interests | 6/12/2024, 10:38 NZDT6/12, 10:38 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - UBS Group AG and its related bodies corporate | 29/11/2024, 08:44 NZDT29/11, 08:44 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
ASX Final Director’s Interest Notice | 28/11/2024, 12:21 NZDT28/11, 12:21 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - UBS Group AG and its related bodies corporate | 25/11/2024, 09:12 NZDT25/11, 09:12 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Results of 2024 Annual Meeting | 22/11/2024, 13:21 NZDT22/11, 13:21 | MEETING | — |
FY25 revenue guidance and dividend policy | 22/11/2024, 08:30 NZDT22/11, 08:30 | MKTUPDTE | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
2024 Annual Meeting | 22/11/2024, 08:30 NZDT22/11, 08:30 | MEETING | — |
SPH Notice - FirstCape Group Limited | 20/11/2024, 15:47 NZDT20/11, 15:47 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Retirement of independent NED – David Wang | 19/11/2024, 09:08 NZDT19/11, 09:08 | ADMIN | — |
Appointment of new independent NED – Lain Jager | 18/11/2024, 09:05 NZDT18/11, 09:05 | ADMIN | — |
SPH Notice - Paradice Investment Management Pty Ltd | 15/11/2024, 08:35 NZDT15/11, 08:35 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - UBS Group AG and its related bodies corporate | 15/11/2024, 08:33 NZDT15/11, 08:33 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - FirstCape Group Limited | 14/11/2024, 17:25 NZDT14/11, 17:25 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - Paradice Investment Management Pty Ltd | 13/11/2024, 08:42 NZDT13/11, 08:42 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - Perpetual Limited and subsidiaries | 12/11/2024, 08:36 NZDT12/11, 08:36 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Disclosure of relevant interests | 8/11/2024, 14:57 NZDT8/11, 14:57 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - Harbour Asset Management Limited | 8/11/2024, 13:57 NZDT8/11, 13:57 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Disclosure of relevant interests | 4/11/2024, 11:53 NZDT4/11, 11:53 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
ATM – Waiver from NZX Listing Rule 7.8.5(b) | 23/10/2024, 16:19 NZDT23/10, 16:19 | WAV/RULE | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Notice of Annual Meeting | 23/10/2024, 15:12 NZDT23/10, 15:12 | MEETING | — |
Change of NZ registered office and address for service | 22/10/2024, 12:26 NZDT22/10, 12:26 | ADMIN | — |
Appointment of new independent NED – Antonio Rivera | 22/10/2024, 09:09 NZDT22/10, 09:09 | ADMIN | — |
SPH Notice - Harbour Asset Management Limited | 10/10/2024, 17:26 NZDT10/10, 17:26 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Capital Change Notice | 4/10/2024, 16:06 NZDT4/10, 16:06 | SECISSUE | — |
Notice of cessation of securities | 4/10/2024, 15:40 NZDT4/10, 15:40 | SECISSUE | — |
ATM – Trading to resume at 1:38pm | 30/09/2024, 13:32 NZDT30/9, 13:32 | HALT | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Response to ASX Price Query | 30/09/2024, 13:22 NZDT30/9, 13:22 | GENERAL | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
ATM – Trading Halt of Securities | 27/09/2024, 14:57 NZST27/9, 14:57 | HALT | 3rd Party Released announcements3 Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
ATM – Trading Halt of Securities | 27/09/2024, 14:03 NZST27/9, 14:03 | HALT | 3rd Party Released announcements3 Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
SPH Notice - Paradice Investment Management Pty Ltd | 26/09/2024, 08:39 NZST26/9, 08:39 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
2024 Annual Meeting – Closing Date for Director Nominations | 19/09/2024, 10:01 NZST19/9, 10:01 | MEETING | — |
Disclosure of relevant interests | 6/09/2024, 09:08 NZST6/9, 09:08 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Synlait Special Shareholders’ Meeting update | 6/09/2024, 08:41 NZST6/9, 08:41 | GENERAL | — |
Capital Change Notice | 30/08/2024, 13:51 NZST30/8, 13:51 | SECISSUE | — |
Synlait Special Shareholders’ Meeting update | 28/08/2024, 09:51 NZST28/8, 09:51 | GENERAL | — |
a2MC to support and participate in Synlait equity raise | 20/08/2024, 17:44 NZST20/8, 17:44 | GENERAL | — |
FY24 Results and Annual Report | 19/08/2024, 08:30 NZST19/8, 08:30 | ANNREP | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
Settlement of various matters in dispute | 16/08/2024, 11:00 NZST16/8, 11:00 | GENERAL | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
SPH Notice - FirstCape Group Limited | 13/08/2024, 16:40 NZST13/8, 16:40 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - Bennelong Funds Management Group Pty Ltd | 13/08/2024, 08:38 NZST13/8, 08:38 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice - Perpetual Limited and subsidiaries | 12/08/2024, 08:48 NZST12/8, 08:48 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
FY24 Results Presentation Webcast Notification | 5/08/2024, 13:19 NZST5/8, 13:19 | ADMIN | — |
Notice of cessation of securities | 12/07/2024, 11:32 NZST12/7, 11:32 | SECISSUE | — |
Synlait Special Shareholders’ Meeting – a2MC voting update | 11/07/2024, 08:30 NZST11/7, 08:30 | GENERAL | — |
Notice of cessation of securities | 15/04/2024, 13:53 NZST15/4, 13:53 | SECISSUE | — |
SPH Notice – The Vanguard Group, Inc. | 5/04/2024, 08:38 NZDT5/4, 08:38 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice – The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (“GSGI”) | 28/03/2024, 15:47 NZDT28/3, 15:47 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice – The Vanguard Group, Inc. | 21/03/2024, 08:42 NZDT21/3, 08:42 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice – The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (“GSGI”) | 20/03/2024, 09:00 NZDT20/3, 09:00 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
SPH Notice – The Vanguard Group, Inc. | 14/03/2024, 09:07 NZDT14/3, 09:07 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
Disclosure of relevant interests | 28/02/2024, 12:49 NZDT28/2, 12:49 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
1H24 Results and Interim Report | 19/02/2024, 08:30 NZDT19/2, 08:30 | HALFYR | Material or Prescribed announcementsP |
SPH Notice – Bennelong Funds Management Group Pty Ltd | 19/02/2024, 08:30 NZDT19/2, 08:30 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |
1H24 Results Call Notification | 17/01/2024, 12:35 NZDT17/1, 12:35 | GENERAL | — |
Notice of cessation of securities | 15/01/2024, 11:18 NZDT15/1, 11:18 | SECISSUE | — |
SPH Notice – The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (“GSGI”) | 9/01/2024, 08:44 NZDT9/1, 08:44 | SHINTR | 3rd Party Released announcements3 |