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NZX & ASX RELEASE 27 February 2025 AMENDMENTS TO MASTER TRUST DEED Summerset Group Holdings Limited (Summerset) has amended and restated the master trust deed dated 30 May 2017 (Master Trust Deed) under which Summerset may issue debt securities from time to time. Summerset currently has four series of fixed rate bonds issued under the Master Trust Deed (and a supplemental trust deed dated 10 September 2018 (as amended by an amending deed dated 14 September 2018), a supplemental trust deed dated 7 September 2020, a supplemental trust deed dated 27 February 2023 and a supplemental trust deed 27 February 2024) quoted on the NZX Debt Market with NZX ticker codes SUM020, SUM030, SUM040 and SUM050. The amendment and restatement to the Master Trust Deed has been made to contemplate Summerset’s future expansion to states and territories in Australia beyond Victoria. A copy of the Master Trust Deed (as amended and restated) is attached to this announcement and can be found, free of charge on Summerset’s website at https://www.summerset.co.nz/investor-centre/bonds/. ENDS For enquiries: Robyn Heyman Company Secretary robyn.heyman@summerset.co.nz 027 506 5562