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Westpac NZ announces change to Board of Directors

16/12/2024, 20:57 Coordinated Universal Time, ADMIN

The company’s ultimate parent company, Westpac Banking Corporation has today announced that Michael Rowland, a director of Westpac New Zealand Limited, has notified of his intention to retire as Group Chief Financial Officer in 2025. Mr Rowland will remain in his role with Westpac Banking Corporation and as a director of Westpac New Zealand Limited, while a search is undertaken for his successor. -ENDS- Authorised for Release by: Imelda Sheerin Head of Governance Operations and Company Secretariat, WNZL imelda.sheerin@westpac.co.nz For Media Enquiries, please contact: Max Bania Senior Manager External Communications, WNZL Max.Bania@westpac.co.nz +64 9 336 5653