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18 November 2024 RESULTS OF THE 2024 FSF ANNUAL MEETING OF UNIT HOLDERS The Fonterra Shareholders’ Fund is pleased to announce that the following resolution was passed at its Annual Meeting of unit holders. Resolution 1: To re-elect Alastair Hercus, who retires by rotation and has offered himself for re-election, as a director of the Manager of the Fund. Votes FOR 16,874,242 (98.46%) Votes AGAINST 264,021 (1.54%) Abstain 38,255 -ENDS- Jackie Floyd Company Secretary - Fonterra Shareholders’ Fund Investor.Relations@fonterra.com Phone +64 9 374 9000 Private Bag 92032, Auckland, 1142 New Zealand; Fonterra Centre, 109 Fanshawe Street, Auckland, 1010 New Zealand www.fonterra.com