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The company’s ultimate parent company, Westpac Banking Corporation has announced the retirement of Christine Parker, a director of Westpac New Zealand Limited, from her role as Group Executive, Human Resources. Ms Parker will remain in her role with Westpac Banking Corporation while a search is undertaken for a successor. Westpac New Zealand Limited has announced that notwithstanding her retirement from Westpac Banking Corporation Ms Parker will continue to serve as a director of the company until the announcement of the company’s results in November 2025. From the effective date of her retirement Ms Parker will serve as a non-executive director, with her prior employment by Westpac Banking Corporation meaning she is not treated as an independent non-executive director. ENDS Authorised for Release by: Imelda Sheerin Head of Governance Operations and Company Secretariat, Westpac New Zealand Limited Imelda.sheerin@westpac.co.nz For Media Enquiries, please contact: Grant Fleming, Head of External Relations Westpac New Zealand Limited Grant.fleming@westpac.co.nz