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AIA - welcomes Ngahuia Leighton as 'Future Director'

30/10/2024, 19:30 Coordinated Universal Time, GENERAL

Market Release | 31 October 2024 Auckland Airport welcomes Ngahuia Leighton into ‘Future Director’ Programme Auckland International Airport Limited is pleased to announce the appointment of Ngahuia Leighton, as future director, from 19 November 2024 for 18 months, as part of the Institute of Directors’ Future Directors programme. Ms Leighton (Ngāti Awa) is currently the Infrastructure Funding and Financing Commercial Manager at Crown Infrastructure Partners (CIP). She joined CIP in 2018 and has held various commercial roles within that organisation. Prior to CIP she was an analyst at New Zealand Treasury. Her governance experience includes board roles at Ratahi Lands Trust and Kiwinui Trust. Auckland Airport’s Chair Julia Hoare said: “We are delighted to welcome Ngahuia on board as a Future Director. The Board is committed to supporting the development of the next generation of governance and Ngahuia has the talent and expertise to add significant value to New Zealand’s organisations over the coming years. We are pleased to be able to contribute to her ongoing development.” Ms Leighton said: “I am incredibly grateful to the Board and the Institute of Directors to be appointed as a Future Director and commend both organisations for their ongoing commitment to the development of New Zealand’s governance pool. This is a superb opportunity to learn from a highly experienced Board, governing one of the country’s most interesting and complex companies. I cannot wait to get started and I am excited to make the most of the next 18 months.” The Future Director Programme identifies talented New Zealanders with proven potential to succeed in a governance role and provides them with an opportunity to observe and participate in boardroom discussions. While the aspiring directors participate in discussions, they do not have a role in Board decision making, and Auckland Airport has protocols in place that prevent future director participants being “deemed directors”. Auckland Airport has been a strong supporter of the Future Directors programme since joining in 2013. ENDS For more information: Investors: Chief Financial Officer Stewart Reynolds +64 27 511 9632 stewart.reynolds@aucklandairport.co.nz Media: Head of Corporate Affairs Libby Middlebrook libby.middlebrook@aucklandairport.co.nz +6421 989 908