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PCT Notice of Meeting 2024

14/10/2024, 09:48 NZDT, MEETING

Precinct Properties New Zealand Limited ("Precinct Properties") and Precinct Properties Investments Limited ("Precinct Investments") (together the "Companies" or "Precinct") advise that their consolidated Annual Meeting of shareholders will be held on Friday 15 November 2024, commencing at 11:30 am (NZDT). It will be a hybrid meeting held at Toroa Meeting Suite, Generator, Commercial Bay, PwC Tower, Level 2, 15 Customs Street West, Auckland. Or online at The agenda for the meeting: • Chair's address to shareholders. • CEO’s address to shareholders. • Shareholder questions and discussion. • Precinct Properties Resolutions. • Precinct Investments Resolutions. • Other business. Precinct Properties Resolutions To consider, and if thought appropriate, pass the following ordinary resolutions: 1. Election of Director That Alison Barrass be elected as a Director of Precinct Properties New Zealand Limited. See explanatory note 1. 2. Re-election of Director That Nicola Greer, who retires by rotation and has offered herself for re-election, be re-elected as a Director of Precinct Properties New Zealand Limited. See explanatory note 2. 3. Re-election of Director That Chris Judd, who retires by rotation and has offered himself for re-election, be re-elected as a Director of Precinct Properties New Zealand Limited. See explanatory note 3. 4. Re-election of Director That Mark Tume, who retires by rotation and has offered himself for re-election, be re-elected as a Director of Precinct Properties New Zealand Limited. See explanatory note 4. 5. Auditor's Remuneration That the Directors be authorised to fix the remuneration of Ernst & Young as auditor for Precinct Properties New Zealand Limited for the ensuing year. See explanatory note 5. To consider, and if thought appropriate, pass the following special resolution: 6. Alteration to constitution of Precinct Properties That the existing constitution of Precinct Properties New Zealand Limited is altered by deleting clause 35, the last sentence in clause 36.1 and clause 39.6. See explanatory note 6. Precinct Investments Resolution To consider, and if thought appropriate, pass the following ordinary resolution: 7. Auditor's Remuneration That the Directors be authorised to fix the remuneration of Ernst & Young as auditor for Precinct Properties Investments Limited for the ensuing year. See explanatory note 5. Other business To consider any other matter that may properly be brought before the meeting. The notice of meeting to shareholders of Precinct Properties and Precinct Investments, which explains the format of the meeting in more detail, is being sent to shareholders today. It has also been provided to NZX, together with the Proxy/Voting Form and Virtual Meeting Guide. Please note for your proxy to be effective it must be received by 11.30 am (NZDT) on Wednesday, 13 November 2024. Ends For further information, please contact: Louise Rooney General Counsel & Company Secretary Office +64 21 294 3189 Email: About Precinct Listed on the NZX Main Board under the ticker code PCT and ranked in the NZX top 30, Precinct is the largest owner, manager and developer of premium city centre real estate in Auckland and Wellington. Precinct is predominantly invested in office buildings and also includes investment in Generator, Commercial Bay retail and a multi-unit residential development business. As at 30 June 2024, Precinct's directly-held portfolio (on-completion value) totalled $3.3 billion and Precinct had a further $1.6 billion of capital partnering assets under management: $1.1 billion of these were assets in which Precinct holds a minority interest; with the balance being managed on behalf of third party partners. For information visit: On 1 July 2023, Precinct effected a restructuring to create a stapled group structure. A stapled group comprises two listed parent companies whose shares are held by the same shareholders in equal proportions. The shares in each parent company can only be transferred or dealt with together. Shareholders in Precinct Properties Group (“Precinct”) hold an equal number of shares in Precinct NZ and Precinct Investments Limited and these shares can only be dealt with together. The stapled issuers are described as “Precinct Properties NZ Ltd & Precinct Properties Investments Ltd (NS)” on NZX systems and the ticker code for the stapled shares remains PCT.