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AUD FX rate for FY24 final dividend

24/09/2024, 09:59 NZST, CORPACT

STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT 24 September 2024 AUD FX rate for FY24 final dividend The foreign exchange rate used for Chorus’ FY24 final dividend payable to Australian investors has been set at (NZD/AUD) 0.91525. The final unimputed dividend of NZ$0.285 cents per share will be paid on 8 October 2024. No supplementary dividend will be paid to shareholders who are not resident in New Zealand. A copy of Chorus’ updated ASX Appendix 3A.1 is attached. Authorised by: Katrina Smidt Acting Chief Financial Officer ENDS For further information: Brett Jackson Investor Relations Manager Phone: +64 4 896 4039 Mobile: +64 (27) 488 7808 Email: Brett.Jackson@chorus.co.nz Vicki Gan Media and Content Manager Mobile: +64 (22) 075 0159 Email: vicki.gan@chorus.co.nz