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Steel & Tube - DRP Strike Price

16/09/2024, 08:30 NZST, GENERAL

DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT PLAN – STRIKE PRICE The price at which shares will be allotted under Steel & Tube Holdings Limited’s (STU) Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP) for the FY24 full year dividend is NZ$0.9470 per share. The shares will be issued on 27 September 2024. The strike price was set based on the STU DRP terms, as the volume weighted average sale price of price setting trades of STU on the NZX Main Board taking place over a period of seven trading days commencing on 5 September 2024. ENDS For media or investor enquiries, please contact: Jackie Ellis Tel: +64 27 246 2505 or email: jackie@ellisandco.co.nz For further information please contact: Mark Malpass Steel & Tube CEO Tel: +64 27 777 0327 Email: mark.malpass@steelandtube.co.nz Richard Smyth Steel & Tube CFO Tel: +64 21 646 822 Email: richard.smyth@steelandtube.co.nz