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GMT Annual Meeting - Voting Result

27/08/2024, 15:14 NZST, MEETING

Goodman Property Services (NZ) Limited, the Manager of Goodman Property Trust is pleased to announce the voting result from the Annual Meeting held today. Resolution 1, re-appointing Laurissa Cooney as a Director of the Manager, was approved by Unitholders. Of the 1,124,595,286 Units voted in the poll, 91.8% were in favour of the resolution and 8.2% against. Resolution 2, re-appointing Leonie Freeman as a Director of the Manager, was approved by Unitholders. Of the 1,124,557,946 Units voted in the poll, 85.2% were in favour of the resolution and 14.8% against. Resolution 3, re-appointing David Gibson as a Director of the Manager, was approved by Unitholders. Of the 1,124,055,504 Units voted in the poll, 91.8% were in favour of the resolution and 8.2% against. Resolution 4, approving the maximum aggregate amount of remuneration payable by the Manager to Directors (in their capacity as Directors) be increased to $1,070,000 per annum, with effect on and from 1 September 2024, was approved by Unitholders. Of the 1,120,524,373 Units voted in the poll, 82.6% were in favour of the resolution and 17.4% against. For further information, please contact: James Spence Chief Executive Officer Goodman Property Services (NZ) Limited (021) 538 934 Andy Eakin Chief Financial Officer Goodman Property Services (NZ) Limited (021) 305 316 About Goodman Property Trust: GMT is a managed investment scheme, listed on the NZX. It has a market capitalisation of around $3.2 billion, ranking it in the top 15 of all listed investment entities. The Trust is New Zealand’s leading warehouse and logistics space provider. It has a substantial property portfolio, with a value of $4.5 billion at 31 March 2024. The Trust also holds an investment grade credit rating of BBB from S&P Global Ratings.