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Director Nominations closing date and ASM date

23/07/2024, 10:08 NZST, GENERAL

Notification of closing date for director nominations and ASM date Metro Performance Glass Limited’s 2024 Annual Meeting will be held in Auckland on Thursday 26 September 2024. Details of the location, resolutions and voting processes will be included in the Notice of Meeting sent to shareholders closer to the meeting. For the purposes of NZX Listing Rule 2.3, Metro Performance Glass Limited advises that the period for nomination of directors opens today and will remain open until 5:00pm (New Zealand time) on Friday the 9th of August 2024. Nominations may only be made by a shareholder entitled to attend and vote at the Annual Meeting and must be received by the Executive Director before 5:00pm on the closing date. Nominations can be sent by email to simon.bennett@metroglass.co.nz or by mail to: Simon Bennett, Executive Director, Metro Performance Glass Limited PO Box 58-144, Botany. ENDS For further information please contact: Simon Bennett: 021 036 8387