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Withdrawal of suspension application

22/07/2024, 08:30 NZST, MKTUPDTE

MARKET RELEASE SkyCity Entertainment Group Limited (SKC.NZX/SKC.ASX) 22 July 2024 Withdrawal of suspension application Further to its market announcement on 18 July 2024, SkyCity Entertainment Group Limited (SkyCity) confirms that: (a) the application made by the Secretary for Internal Affairs (Secretary) in September 2023 to temporarily suspend SkyCity Casino Management Limited’s New Zealand casino operator’s licence has now been formally withdrawn from the Gambling Commission by the Secretary; and (b) the Gambling Commission has confirmed that the matter is at an end. SkyCity will now liaise with the Secretary to agree the dates upon which the gambling area of the SkyCity Auckland casino will be temporarily closed (being five consecutive days from a Monday to a Friday in 2024). ENDS For more information, please contact: Investors and analysts - Craig Brown Head of Investor Relations & Corporate Development Mobile: +64 27 470 6802 E-mail: craig.brown@skycity.co.nz Media - Nirupa George Chief Corporate Affairs Officer Phone: +64 21 051 2656 Email: nirupa.george@skycity.co.nz This announcement has been authorised for release by: Jo Wong, General Counsel & Company Secretary