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MedAdvisor Update

3/07/2024, 11:35 NZST, GENERAL

3 July 2024 NZX/ASX Code: EBO MedAdvisor Update EBOS Group Limited (EBOS) subsidiary EBOS PH Pty Ltd has acquired 27,527,196 shares in MedAdvisor Limited (MedAdvisor (ASX: MDR)), increasing its relevant interest to 9.8%. EBOS initially acquired a 14.1% interest in MedAdvisor in October 2017, which has been diluted by subsequent share issuances. EBOS regards its shareholding in MedAdvisor as an investment and does not intend to make a change of control proposal in respect of MedAdvisor. Authorised for lodgement with NZX and ASX by: Janelle Cain General Counsel EBOS Group Limited + 61 3 9918 5555