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Commerce Commission confirms PQP2 WACC

1/07/2024, 11:09 NZST, MKTUPDTE

The Commerce Commission has today released its cost of capital determination for Chorus’ price quality path for the second regulatory period from 2025 to 2028. The Commission has determined a mid-point vanilla WACC of 7.68% and a post-tax WACC of 7.17%. The Commission decision is available here Commerce Commission - Cost of capital guidelines and determinations (comcom.govt.nz) Authorised by: Katrina Smidt Acting Chief Financial Officer ENDS For further information: Brett Jackson Investor Relations Manager Phone: +64 4 896 4039 Mobile: +64 (27) 488 7808 Email: Brett.Jackson@chorus.co.nz Vicki Gan Media and Content Manager Phone +64 99752940 Email: Vicki.Gan@chorus.co.nz