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Completion of Horizon Hotel

1/07/2024, 08:31 NZST, MKTUPDTE

MARKET RELEASE SkyCity Entertainment Group Limited (SKC.NZX/SKC.ASX) 1 July 2024 Completion of Horizon Hotel SkyCity Entertainment Group Limited (SkyCity) is pleased to announce that completion of the building works at the Horizon Hotel in Auckland was achieved on 27 June 2024. The opening date for Horizon Hotel is scheduled for 1 August 2024. Horizon Hotel is a 303 room five-star hotel connected to the New Zealand International Convention Centre (under construction) and the SkyCity Auckland precinct. Horizon Hotel joins SkyCity’s other leading hotels, the Grand by SkyCity and SkyCity Hotel, to bring the total hotel rooms in the SkyCity Auckland precinct to nearly 1,000. Ends For more information, please contact: Investors and Analysts - Craig Brown Head of Investor Relations & Corporate Development Mobile: +64 27 470 6802 E-mail: craig.brown@skycity.co.nz Media - Graeme Muir GM Communications Phone: +64 214 26 844 Email: graeme.muir@skycity.co.nz This announcement has been authorised for release by: Jo Wong, General Counsel & Company Secretary