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Rapid Insights Conference - SkyCity investor presentation

26/06/2024, 09:18 NZST, GENERAL

MARKET RELEASE SkyCity Entertainment Group Limited (SKC.NZX/SKC.ASX) 26 June 2024 Rapid Insights Conference - SkyCity investor presentation Attached is a copy of the investor presentation which will be delivered by SkyCity Entertainment Group Limited (SkyCity) at the Rapid Insights Conference hosted by Wilsons Advisory and Craigs Investment Partners today. SkyCity notes that the investor presentation does not include any material information which has not been released to the market previously. Ends For more information, please contact: Investors and Analysts - Craig Brown Head of Investor Relations & Corporate Development Mobile: +64 27 470 6802 E-mail: craig.brown@skycity.co.nz Media - Graeme Muir GM Communications Phone: +64 214 26 844 Email: graeme.muir@skycity.co.nz This announcement has been authorised for release by: Jo Wong, General Counsel & Company Secretary