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Director Nomination Closing Date

24/06/2024, 17:13 NZST, MEETING

DIRECTOR NOMINATION CLOSING DATE Promisia Healthcare Limited (NZX:PHL) advises that the closing date for director nominations is Tuesday 9 July 2024. All nominations must be received by Promisia Healthcare Limited before 5pm (New Zealand time) on that date. Further details regarding the time and venue for the 2024 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting will be provided in the Notice of Meeting (including a proxy voting form and details of any resolutions), which will be sent to shareholders prior to the meeting. Nominations: • can only be made by shareholders who are entitled to attend and vote at the Annual Meeting; • must be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of the person nominated; • should contain a brief CV of the nominee; and • must be received by 5pm on Tuesday 9 July 2024. Nominations can be sent by: • Email: Francisco.rf@promisia.co.nz • Mail: Promisia Healthcare Limited, c/- Duncan Cotterill, Level 5, 50 Customhouse Quay, Wellington 6011 ENDS