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NZAS long-term deal receives EA clearance

19/06/2024, 08:30 NZST, GENERAL

19th June 2024 NZAS long-term deal receives Electricity Authority clearance On 31 May 2024, Contact announced that it had reached a new long term agreement with the New Zealand Aluminium Smelter (NZAS) to supply renewable electricity to its Tiwai Point operation in Southland, subject to a number of conditions being met. A key condition of the agreement was approval from the Electricity Authority under the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010. This clearance has now been received. Contact will provide a further update once all other contractual pre-conditions have been met. - ends – Investor enquiries Shelley Hollingsworth Investor Relations and Strategy Manager +64 27 227 2429 shelley.hollingsworth@contactenergy.co.nz Media enquiries Louise Wright Head of Communications and Reputation +64 21 840 313 louise.wright@contactenergy.co.nz