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Fletcher Building Announces Board Changes

18/06/2024, 08:30 NZST, ADMIN

Auckland, 18 June 2024: Fletcher Building Limited (the “Company”) today announced that Martin Brydon has informed the Board of his intention to step down as a director at the Company’s 2024 Annual Shareholder Meeting in October. Fletcher Building Acting Chair Barbara Chapman expressed the Company’s appreciation for Mr Brydon’s contribution as a director since 2018: "Martin’s experience and industry insights have been greatly valued and I would like to thank him for the commitment and energy he has shown over the past several years. The Board vacancy resulting from Martin’s decision to step down will be addressed as part of the broader Board renewal process that is already underway, which includes a search process to find replacement directors with the necessary skills and experience." #Ends Authorised by: Haydn Wong Company Secretary For further information please contact: MEDIA Christian May General Manager – Corporate Affairs +64 21 305 398 Christian.May@fbu.com INVESTORS AND ANALYSTS Aleida White Head of Investor Relations +64 21 155 8837 Aleida.White@fbu.com