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Works Finance (NZ) Limited - ROADS rate set

17/06/2024, 15:28 NZST, GENERAL

17 June 2024 WORKS FINANCE (NZ) LIMITED - ROADS RATE SET Downer EDI Limited and Works Finance (NZ) Limited (previously known as Works Infrastructure Finance (NZ) Limited) wish to advise that in accordance with the terms of the ROADS preference shares, the Dividend Rate on the ROADS preference shares for the period 15 June 2024 to the next reset date of 15 June 2025, is 9.43% per annum payable quarterly in arrears. This figure is equal to the One Year Swap Rate on 17 June 2024 of 5.38% per annum plus the Step-up Margin of 4.05% per annum. It is the intention that Dividends will continue to be fully imputed. Holders are not required to undertake any action. Should you require any further information regarding the above please refer to the Prospectus, your financial or professional advisor or your nominated NZX firm. Authorised for release by Downer’s Chief Financial Officer, Malcolm Ashcroft.