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12/06/2024, 08:30 NZST, MKTUPDTE

SkyCity Entertainment Group Limited (SKC.NZX/SKC.ASX) 12 June 2024 UPDATE ON INDEPENDENT REVIEW OF SKYCITY ADELAIDE SkyCity Entertainment Group Limited (SkyCity) advises that the Acting South Australian Liquor and Gambling Commissioner (Commissioner) for Consumer and Business Services has advised that he has determined to recommence the Honourable Brian Martin AO KC’s independent review into SkyCity Adelaide Pty Limited (SkyCity Adelaide). The Acting Commissioner has advised that the independent review will recommence from 11 June 2024 and that Mr Martin is due to report back to the Acting Commissioner with his findings by 31 December 2024 (subject to any extension agreed by the Acting Commissioner and Mr Martin). As previously announced: • in July 2022, the former Commissioner advised SkyCity that Mr Martin had been appointed to undertake an independent review under section 22(2) of the Casino Act 1997 (SA) in regard to the suitability of SkyCity Adelaide to continue to hold the SkyCity Adelaide casino licence and the suitability of SkyCity to continue to be a close associate of SkyCity Adelaide; • in February 2023, the former Commissioner advised SkyCity that the independent review had been put on hold pending the resolution of the civil penalty proceedings filed by AUSTRAC against SkyCity Adelaide in the Federal Court of Australia on 7 December 2022 (Proceedings); and • on 7 June 2024, the Federal Court of Australia approved the agreement reached by SkyCity Adelaide and the AUSTRAC to resolve the Proceedings. SkyCity and SkyCity Adelaide will continue to cooperate with Consumer and Business Services and the Acting Commissioner in relation to the independent review. Further details are available on Consumer and Business Services’ website at www.cbs.sa.gov.au. ENDS For more information, please contact: Investors and analysts - Craig Brown Head of Investor Relations & Corporate Development Mobile: +64 27 470 6802 E-mail: craig.brown@skycity.co.nz Media - Graeme Muir GM Communications Phone: +64 21 426 844 Email: graeme.muir@skycity.co.nz