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Burger Fuel Group confirms implementation of capital return

5/06/2024, 11:22 NZST, CORPACT

CAPITAL RETURN TO SHAREHOLDERS IMPLEMENTED Burger Fuel Group Limited (BFG) has today implemented its return of approximately $4.077 million of capital to its shareholders. As part of the capital return, 30% of the shares held by each shareholder at 5:00pm on Tuesday 4 June 2024 (which was the record date for the capital return) have been cancelled. If multiplying the number of shares owned by shareholders by 0.30 did not result in a whole number, then the resulting number was rounded up or down to the nearest whole number of shares (with 0.5 rounded up). The total number of shares on issue following the capital return is 35,235,787. Payments to shareholders will be processed by 18 June 2024 in accordance with the terms of the capital return. ENDS Mark Piet Chief Financial Officer, Burger Fuel Group Limited Mark.Piet@Burgerfuel.com Phone 021 453 333