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Quotation Notice - Infratil Limited (“IFT350”)

30/05/2024, 16:51 NZST, OFFER

QUOTATION NOTICE: NZX DEBT MARKET INFRATIL LIMITED (“IFT350”) Company: Infratil Limited ("IFT") Security Code: IFT350 ISIN: NZIFTD0350L5 Details of Issue: An offer of NZ$175,000,000 unsecured, unsubordinated, fixed rate Bonds under the Firm Offer, and up to an additional NZ$56,117,000 of Bonds under the Exchange Offer. Under the Exchange Offer, Infratil is offering holders of the bonds maturing on 15 June 2024 (Security Code IFT230) that are New Zealand residents the opportunity to exchange some or all of their maturing bonds for Bonds on a one-to-one basis. Firm Offer Opening Date: Monday, 27 May 2024 Firm Offer Closing Date: 11.00am Thursday, 30 May 2024 Exchange Offer Opening Date: 8.30am Friday, 31 May 2024 Exchange Offer Closing Date: 5.00pm Wednesday, 12 June 2024 Maturity Date: 17 December 2031 Interest Rate: 7.06 % per annum Interest Payment Dates: 17 March, 17 June, 17 September and 17 December of each year up to and including the Maturity Date. Date of First Interest Payment: Monday, 17 June 2024. This is the same as the Issue Date. For Bonds allotted under the Firm Offer, no interest will have accrued and so no interest will be payable on the First Interest Payment. For Bonds allotted under the Exchange Offer, interest will accrue from (and including) 14 June 2024 (the business day immediately preceding 15 June 2024) to (but excluding) the First Interest Payment Date (17 June 2024). First Interest Paid To: Original Subscriber Record Date: 10 calendar days before the relevant Interest Payment Date, or if that date is not a business day, the immediately preceding business day. Minimum Application Amount: NZ$5,000 and in multiples of NZ$1,000 thereafter Minimum Holding: NZ$5,000 Minimum Transferable Amount: NZ$1.00 Face Value: NZ$1.00 per bond Supervisor: Trustee Executors Limited Joint Lead Managers: ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited, Bank of New Zealand, Craigs Investment Partners Limited, Forsyth Barr Limited and Jarden Securities Limited Trust Deed Dated: Master Trust Deed dated 11 November 1999 (as amended) Issue Date: Monday, 17 June 2024 Registrar: Link Market Services Limited ("LNKT"). Settlement Status: NZCDC Settlement System Expected Commencement of Trading on the NZX Debt Market: Tuesday, 18 June 2024 Mark Peterson Chief Executive Officer NZX Limited 30 05 2024