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Changes to the Kiwi Property Board

23/05/2024, 08:50 NZST, GENERAL

Kiwi Property today advised that Jane Freeman will resign from the company’s board, with effect from its 2023 annual shareholder meeting, scheduled for 27 June 2024. Kiwi Property Chair Simon Shakesheff said Jane had made an invaluable contribution as a director during her nine-year tenure with the company, including as the current Chair of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee. “Jane has had a major impact on Kiwi Property and as a champion for the interests of our shareholders. We’ve benefitted greatly from her retail and customer expertise and her continued focus on building a high-performance culture within the business. I’d like to thank Jane for her support and wish her all the best for the future.” An announcement regarding Jane’s replacement will be made shortly. ENDS Contact us for further information: Simon Shakesheff Chair simon.shakesheff@gmail.com Campbell Hodgetts Head of Communications and Investor Relations campbell.hodgetts@kp.co.nz +64 27 563 4985 About us: Kiwi Property (NZX: KPG) is one of the largest listed property companies on the New Zealand Stock Exchange and is a member of the S&P/NZX 20 Index. We have been around for over 25 years and proudly own and manage a significant real estate portfolio comprising some of New Zealand’s best mixed-use, retail and office buildings. Our objective is to provide investors with a reliable investment in New Zealand property through the ownership and active management of a diversified, high-quality portfolio. Kiwi Property is licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008. To find out more, visit our website, kp.co.nz