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March 2024 Monthly traffic update

16/04/2024, 08:30 NZST, GENERAL

March 2024 Monthly traffic update 12% - increase year on year. For March 2024, total passenger volumes at Auckland Airport increased by 12% compared to March 2023. International passengers (excl. transits) increased by 22%, transit passengers were up 30% and domestic passengers increased by 2% compared to March 2023. Total passenger volumes in March 2024 of 1.69 million were also up on the 1.60 million in February 2024. Key points: o International load factors were in line with last year at 81% as international seat capacity increased 24% compared to the prior year; o March 2024 is the last month of the IATA Northern Winter season (November to March) and saw some airlines complete their seasonal services to Auckland, namely American Airlines (Dallas and Los Angeles), United Airlines (Los Angeles), Hawaiian Airlines (Honolulu), and Air Canada (Vancouver). Load factors on the departing flights were strongest at 84% due to the returning North American passengers; o During the Northern Winter season 0.5 million United States nationals departed or arrived through the international terminal, 40% up compared to last year and represents growth of 8% on FY19 levels; o Capacity on direct routes to and from mainland China increased by 144% during March 2024 compared to the prior year with five airlines operating to six Chinese destinations. Load factors continued to strengthen with total passengers to and from mainland China up by 169% over the same period; o Passenger demand on the short-haul international routes increased 10% on last year due, in part, to the Easter weekend; o Domestic passenger numbers increased by 2% on March 2023 with load factors reaching 88% on capacity that was 1% up on the prior year; and o Queenstown Airport international passenger numbers in March 2024 increased 12% on the year prior and domestic passengers increased 7% on the same month last year. Please see attached pdf for full report. End CA:00429608 For:AIA Type:GENERAL Time:2024-04-16 08:30:43