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Allotment under NZ SPP and Placement

28/03/2024, 16:17 NZDT, SECISSUE

Cooks Coffee Company Limited (NZX: CCC, AQUIS: COOK) has issued 1,886,819 new shares at NZ$0.20c under its recent Share Placement Plan offer and Placement offer. Accordingly, CCC currently has 58,795,448 quoted ordinary voting shares and 1,207,000 unquoted non-voting shares (which may be reclassified on notice as quoted ordinary shares) on issue. Cooks Coffee's Board intend to place the shortfall in the placement until 30th April 2024 (unless extended). Authorised for release by the Chair of Cooks Coffee. End CA:00428805 For:CCC Type:SECISSUE Time:2024-03-28 16:17:19