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Issue of ordinary shares and performance rights

21/03/2024, 13:56 NZDT, SECISSUE

21 March 2024 Issue of ordinary shares and performance rights to employees of NZX Limited (NZX) NZX advises that it has issued $1,000 of ordinary shares (gross of tax) in NZX to each of its permanent employees as at 7 February 2024 who have joined or become permanent employees of NZX since 7 February 2023. NZX advises that it has issued performance rights to the members of its executive and management teams pursuant to NZX's Long Term Incentive Plan (LTI). The performance rights give the holder options to acquire ordinary shares in NZX, which may be exercised if the performance rights vest. The vesting period for the performance rights is 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2026. NZX operates two LTI programmes that each vest over three years, one based on retention for middle to senior managers, and one based on total shareholder returns (TSR) (for senior executives). Further information on the LTI programmes is available in the annual report. NZX also advises that a portion of the performance rights issued to the members of its executive and management teams in 2021 have vested. These vested performance rights give the holder the options to acquire ordinary shares in NZX. NZX has issued ordinary shares to each holder that has exercised the options. NZX also confirms that 365,412 of performance rights relating to earnings per share (EPS) and TSR-based LTI lapsed on 31 December 2023. The total number of ordinary shares on issue is now 324,518,701. The total number of performance rights on issue is now 5,749,878. The attached information is supplied pursuant to NZX Listing Rule 3.13.1. For further information, please contact: Simon Beattie GM Corporate Affairs & Sustainability Mobile: + 64 21 702 694 Email: simon.beattie@nzx.com End CA:00428390 For:NZX Type:SECISSUE Time:2024-03-21 13:56:15