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Truscreen Raises Initial NZ$500,000 in Share Placement

4/03/2024, 10:25 NZDT, SHINTR

NZX/ASX Announcement 4 March 2024 TruScreen Raises Initial NZ$500,000 in Share Placement Truscreen Group Limited (NZX/ASX:TRU) is pleased to advise that further to the announcement of 12 February 2024 "Truscreen to lodge a pro rata renounceable rights issue", the Company has received firm commitments from a number of investors for an initial Placement of 25,000,000 shares at NZ$0.02 each to raise NZ$500,000, before costs. The shares will be issued under its existing 15% placement capacity. This Placement is in addition to the Oversubscription Bookbuild which will take place on 14th and 15th March 2024. Tony Ho Chairman commented, "we are pleased with the strong support we have received at the start of this capital raise, and encourage shareholders to ensure their applications are completed before the closing date on 13 March 2024". In the event shareholders have not received application forms please contact the share registry Link Market Services: enquiries@linkmarketservices.co.nz T +64 9 375 5998 or the Company Secretary, contact details below. This announcement has been approved by the Board. Ends Guy Robertson Company Secretary Tel: +61 407 983 270 Email: guyrobertson@truscreen.com End CA:00427347 For:TRU Type:SHINTR Time:2024-03-04 10:25:21