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Disclosure of Director & Senior Managers Relevant Interests

31/01/2024, 16:01 NZDT, SHINTR

31 January 2024 Disclosure of Senior Managers' Relevant Interests Air New Zealand has received the attached NZX Ongoing Disclosure Notices from Mat Bolland, Nikki Dines, Greg Foran, Leanne Geraghty, Kiri Hannifin, Alex Marren, David Morgan, Nikhil Ravishankar, Richard Thomson and Michael Williams. Ends. This announcement is authorised for release on the NZX and ASX by: Jennifer Page General Counsel & Company Secretary jennifer.page@airnz.co.nz For investor relations questions, please contact: Kim Cootes Head of Investor Relations kim.cootes@airnz.co.nz +64 27 297 0244 End CA:00425555 For:AIR Type:SHINTR Time:2024-01-31 16:01:33