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KFC Australia Class Action Claim

19/12/2023, 10:16 NZDT, MKTUPDTE

NZX/ASX 19 November 2023 KFC Australia Class Action Claim Restaurant Brands New Zealand Limited (RBD) notes the announcement released by Collins Foods Limited (ASX: CFK) on 18 December 2023 in relation to the class action filed in the Federal Court of Australia by Shine Lawyers on behalf of certain KFC employees who worked at Australian KFC stores in the period 4 December 2017 to 4 December 2023. The Collins announcement states that the claim alleges that those employees were not provided with paid 10 minute rest breaks pursuant to certain industrial instruments. RBD has now become aware that its Australian subsidiary, QSR Pty Limited, was named in the original class action filing as one of the respondents to the claim. While no entities within the RBD Group have been served with a Notice of Claim in relation to the proceedings, it is expected that QSR Pty Limited will be formally joined as a respondent to the class action in the near future. In the event that QSR Pty Limited is served with a Notice of Claim, RBD will assess the claim and update the market if the claim is expected to have a material impact on the RBD Group. Authorised by: Callum Webb Company Secretary 09 525 8700 ENDS. End CA:00423792 For:RBD Type:MKTUPDTE Time:2023-12-19 10:16:35