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TuScreen Included on Vietnamese MOH Approved Technical List

13/12/2023, 09:47 NZDT, MKTUPDTE

NZX/ASX Announcement 13 December 2023 TruScreen included on the Vietnamese Ministry Of Health Approved Technical List Highlights: o TruScreen included on the Vietnamese Ministry of Health approved Technical List o The Technical Listing will simplify and shorten the procurement process for public hospitals. o The Technical Listing will enable nationwide adoption of TruScreen in the public healthcare sector. TruScreen Group Limited (NZX/ASX:TRU) is pleased to advise that it has been included in the Vietnamese Ministry Of Health (MOH) approved Technical List. This significant milestone enables TruScreen to be used nationally from top level hospitals to community health centres. The listing reduces the need for individual hospitals to seek prior approval thereby shortening dramatically the procurement process. The MOH recognised the value of the Truescreen technology in accelerating the cervical cancer screening at lower public healthcare costs with greater innovative patient-focused approach. The listing by the MOH was based on extensive clinical evidence supporting TruScreen, positive feedback from local users at several levels of the public healthcare providers, including leading gynaecological hospital, Hanoi Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital. The Inclusion in the approved Technical List will allow our distributor Gorton Health Services (GHS) to expand distribution of the TruScreen AI-enable technology in Vietnam. CEO, Dr Beata Edling said: "We are delighted that the Ministry of Health in Vietnam has approved TruScreen as the technology that will assist Vietnam in achieving the World Health Organisation targets in cervical cancer screening. The work of our partner in Vietnam, GHS, has prepared Truscreen for an accelerated national uptake. We congratulate GHS on their efforts and look forward to this new phase of growth development". This announcement has been approved by the Board. Ends For more information, visit www.truscreen.com or contact: Dr Beata Edling Chief Executive Officer beataedling@truscreen.com Guy Robertson Chief Financial Officer guyrobertson@truscreen.com End CA:00423385 For:TRU Type:MKTUPDTE Time:2023-12-13 09:47:03