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Amended Dividend Reinvestment Plan Issue Price Set

30/11/2023, 14:36 NZDT, CORPACT

Further to the announcement by Investore Property Limited (Investore) earlier today, Investore advises there was an error in calculating the issue price for shares under the Investore Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP). The previously announced issue price did not reflect the 2% discount to the volume weighted average price on all sales of Investore shares during the five trading days commencing on the ex-date (being 23 November 2023). Investore advises that the issue price for shares under the Investore DRP operating in respect of the dividend payable on 12 December 2023 has been amended to $1.02097200. Ends For further information please contact: Mike Allen, Chairman, Investore Property Limited Mobile: 021 606 134 - Email: mike.allen@investoreproperty.co.nz Philip Littlewood, Chief Executive Officer, Stride Investment Management Limited as manager of Investore Mobile: 021 230 3026 - Email: philip.littlewood@strideproperty.co.nz Adam Lilley, Investore Fund Manager, Stride Investment Management Limited as manager of Investore Mobile: 021 024 99198 - Email: adam.lilley@strideproperty.co.nz Jennifer Whooley, Chief Financial Officer, Stride Investment Management Limited as manager of Investore Mobile: 021 536 406 - Email: jennifer.whooley@strideproperty.co.nz Louise Hill, General Manager Corporate Services, Stride Investment Management Limited as manager of Investore Mobile: 0275 580 033- Email: louise.hill@strideproperty.co.nz End CA:00422731 For:IPL Type:CORPACT Time:2023-11-30 14:36:05