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MMH – Voting Results of Meeting

14/11/2023, 02:00 Coordinated Universal Time, MEETING

The Directors of Marsden Maritime Holdings (NZX:MMH) advises that are pleased to advise that the following resolutions were passed at its annual meeting of shareholders held today. Ordinary Resolutions Resolution 1 - As an Ordinary Resolution: That John Sproat be elected as a Director of the Company. Resolution 2 - As an Ordinary Resolution: That Jared Pitman be elected as a Director of the Company. For further information please contact: Vidura Galpoththage HEAD OF FINANCE M: 021 0272 5450 E: vidura@marsdenmaritime.co.nz End CA:00421646 For:MMH Type:MEETING Time:2023-11-14 15:00:32