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NZK – Senior Manager Expansion

9/11/2023, 16:19 NZDT, ADMIN

9 November 2023 Identification of Senior Managers New Zealand King Salmon Investments Ltd (NZX & ASX: NZK) announces that the Board has determined the roles of GM Processing and GM Aquaculture fall within the definition of Senior Manager for the purposes of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013, as a result of the responsibilities now performed in these roles. As a result, with immediate effect, Richard Smith (GM Processing) and Grant Lovell (GM Aquaculture) are considered Senior Managers for the purposes of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013. An initial disclosure notice for each of Richard Smith and Grant Lovell is attached. Authorised by: Board of Directors of New Zealand King Salmon Investments Ltd End CA:00421396 For:NZK Type:ADMIN Time:2023-11-09 16:19:25