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26/10/2023, 16:41 NZDT, MEETING

26 October 2023 NZX Announcement For immediate release POLL RESULTS OF 2023 ANNUAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING NZ Windfarms Limited ("NWF") advises the results of resolutions from the Annual Shareholders Meeting held in person and virtually on Thursday 26 October 2023. The results of the polls held on the resolutions were: 1. That the Board be authorised to fix the fees and expenses of the auditor - carried. 2. That Christine Spring, who retires and is eligible for re-election, be re-elected as a director of the Company. - carried. 3. That the directors be authorised to increase the remuneration of the independent directors of the Company by 4% from 1 November 2023 pursuant to the per position sums shown in the "Proposed Remuneration" column of the table shown in note 3 of the explanatory notes. - lost. 4. That the Constitution be amended in the manner set out in the explanatory notes to the notice of this meeting to align director rotation provisions with the NZX Listing Rules and expressly allow for modern electronic means of convening meetings of directors and shareholders. - carried For details see the tabulated results attached to this announcement. ENDS Warren Koia Chief Executive +64 6 280 2773 End CA:00420579 For:NWF Type:MEETING Time:2023-10-26 16:41:21