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Results of Annual Shareholders Meeting

26/10/2023, 15:23 NZDT, MEETING

At the Freightways Group Limited Annual Shareholders Meeting held in Auckland and online on 26 October 2023, shareholders were asked to vote on four resolutions, which were supported by the Board. As required by NZX Listing Rule 6.1, all voting was conducted by a poll. The resolutions passed by shareholders were: 1. That Mark Rushworth be re-elected as a Director of Freightways. 2. That Peter Kean be re-elected as a Director of Freightways. 3. That the total quantum of the annual directors' fee pool be increased by $107,855 from an aggregate of $857,145 to an aggregate of $965,000, such aggregate amount to be divided amongst the directors as they deem appropriate. 4. That the Directors are authorised to fix the Auditors' remuneration. End CA:00420573 For:FRW Type:MEETING Time:2023-10-26 15:23:41