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Notice of 2023 Annual Meeting

9/10/2023, 08:30 NZDT, MEETING

Vital Healthcare Property Trust advises that the following documents will be sent to Unit Holders today: -Notice of Annual Meeting 2023; -Virtual Meeting Guide; and -Voting/Proxy Form. The 2023 Annual Meeting of Unit Holders of Vital Healthcare Property Trust will be held in the Tuhono Room, Ground Lobby, HSBC Tower, 188 Quay Street, Auckland CBD on Thursday, 9 November commencing at 9.30am. Unit Holders may also attend virtually through the Computershare Meeting Platform https://meetnow.global/nz. - ENDS - ENQUIRIES Aaron Hockly Fund Manager, Vital Healthcare Property Trust Tel 09 973 7301, Email aaron.hockly@nwhreit.com Michael Groth Chief Financial Officer, Northwest Healthcare Properties Management Limited Tel +61 409 936 104, Email michael.groth@nwhreit.com End CA:00419589 For:VHP Type:MEETING Time:2023-10-09 08:30:21