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EROAD Limited ("EROAD") is seeking to raise approximately NZ$50 million of new capital via an institutional placement to raise approximately NZ$11.6 million and a 1 for 2.06 pro rata accelerated renounceable entitlement offer to raise approximately NZ$38.4 million. The Equity Raise is fully underwritten. Included in this announcement is: 1. Offer Announcement 2. Offer Document 3. Investor Presentation 4. NZX Corporate Action Notice 5. Appendix 3B 6. Cleansing Notice ENDS Investor enquiries please contact: Matt Gregorowski Citadel-MAGNUS +61 422 534 755 mgregorowski@citadelmagnus.com For Media enquiries please contact: Richard Llewellyn Shanahan +64 27 523 2362 richard@shanahan.nz End CA:00417797 For:ERD Type:OFFER Time:2023-09-07 08:30:23