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Director nominations & virtual-only 2023 AGM date

07/08/2023, 01:57 Coordinated Universal Time, MEETING

AFC Group Holdings Limited ("AFC") advises for the purposes of NZX Listing Rule 2.3.2 that it has opened the period for the nomination of directors with immediate effect. All nominations must be presented in writing and addressed to: The Directors AFC Group Holdings Limited Suite A, Level 15, Tower 2, 205 Queen Street, Auckland CBD 1010 Nominations must be received no later than 5 pm on Monday 21st August 2022. AFC advises that shareholders can attend the meeting, which is to be held on Monday 22nd September 2023 at 2:00 pm (NZT), through a virtual meeting platform only. The Notice of Meeting and Proxy Form has been revised to remove references to the physical meeting. No changes have been made to the business of the meeting or the processes around virtual attendance. The Notice of Meeting will be distributed in due course, and the virtual AGM arrangement will be distributed in due course. On behalf of the Board of Directors Hao Long CFO 7 August 2023 For Further Information Please contact Mr Howard Long howard.long@afcnz.com +64- 21- 244-8000 End CA:00415900 For:AFC Type:MEETING Time:2023-08-07 13:57:54