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Turners DRP Capital Change Notice

28/07/2023, 09:16 NZST, SECISSUE

Company Announcement 28 July 2028 DRP Capital Change Notice Turners Automotive Group Limited (NZX/ASX: TRA) provided the attached Capital Change Notice pursuant to the NZX listing rule 3.13.1. This Notice relates to the issue of 420,981 ordinary shares under Turners Automotive Group's Dividend Reinvestment Plan, dated May 2023, in respect of the FY23 final dividend. Chairman Grant Baker said "We are pleased with the take up of the initial launch of Turners' Dividend Reinvestment Plan. It is great to be able to offer loyal shareholders an opportunity to reinvest in the business, and see good uptake of the plan." ENDS About Turners Turners Automotive Group Limited is an integrated financial services group, primarily operating in the automotive sector www.turnersautogroup.co.nz For further information, please contact: Todd Hunter, Chief Executive Officer, Turners Automotive Group Limited, Mob: 021 722 818 End CA:00415399 For:TRA Type:SECISSUE Time:2023-07-28 09:16:15