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Appointment of Head of Finance

03/07/2023, 04:03 Coordinated Universal Time, ADMIN

Marsden Maritime Holdings (NZX:MMH) advises that it has appointed Vidura Galpoththage to the role of Head of Finance. Vidura has commenced employment with MMH on 26 June 2023. Vidura comes from an Executive Manager - Financial Management role at Suncorp New Zealand and prior to that with PwC. He brings strengths in financial management, audit and investment due diligence from experience globally undertaking M&A due diligence. Vidura and his family have strong ties to Te Tai Tokerau and have relocated to the region recently. We are thrilled to have someone of Vidura's calibre join the MMH team. For further information please contact: Rosie Mercer Chief Executive M: 027 3166999 E: rosie.mercer@marsdenmaritime.co.nz End CA:00414149 For:MMH Type:ADMIN Time:2023-07-03 16:03:38